Mon 2 Rounds Run 200 10 Pullups Run 200 10 Slam Ball Run 200 10 T2B Run 200 10 HSPU...
Mon 2 Rounds Run 200 10 Pullups Run 200 10 Slam Ball Run 200 10 T2B Run 200 10 HSPU...
Mon w/ a partner 100 box jumps (partner hangs from the bar) 100 burpees (partner does wall sits) 100 wall...
Mon 5-10-15-20-15-10-5 Wall balls Box jumps KB swings Tues 10 rounds 30 DU 10 push-ups 20 air squats Rest 1:00 after each...
Mon 75 wall balls Every minute do 4 burpees Start with burpees Tues 15 min EMOM- alternate movements 10 HSPU...