Mon – closed Tues 9 min amrap 3,6,9,12… Ball slams Toes to bar **Alternate Sled push 50’ and bike 10/7...
Mon – closed Tues 9 min amrap 3,6,9,12… Ball slams Toes to bar **Alternate Sled push 50’ and bike 10/7...
Mon EMOM for 20min – Alternate between 3 Wall Walks 15 KB Swings 15 Slam Ball 3 Rope Climbs Bike...
Mon 30-20-10 Sumo DL High Pull (light) Pullup Tues 12min AMRAP 10 dumbbell S2OH 25′ front rack DB lunge 10...
Mon 2 Rounds Run 800m 50 Wall Ball 50 Double Unders Tues Elizabeth 21-15-9 Power Clean Ring Dips Wed 5...