Mon 5×5 emom alternating Strict Pull-up Back Squat 5 Rounds 3min AMRAP 200m Run 10 Burpees ME C&J no rest...
Mon 5×5 emom alternating Strict Pull-up Back Squat 5 Rounds 3min AMRAP 200m Run 10 Burpees ME C&J no rest...
Mon 10min EMOM 7 Front Squat (even) 7 Strict Pullups (odd) 15min AMRAP 12 pullup/c2b 12 cals 12 v-ups 12...
Mon – Murph! Thanks to everyone that came out and made this a fun event. Tuesday 5×5 Deadlift (light weight)...
Monday Back Squat 5×2 @ 85% 2 rounds 40 DB snatch 20 calories 10 ring rows 5 dips Tuesday 10...