MONDAY, JULY 12th strength: Push press to heavy single in 10 minutes Back squat 5×5 building across sets WOD: Run...
MONDAY, JULY 12th strength: Push press to heavy single in 10 minutes Back squat 5×5 building across sets WOD: Run...
MONDAY, JULY 5TH Strict press 5×3 pick weight you can maintain across sets Back squat 5×2 85ish% EMOM 3 for...
Monday Strength 5×5 Press (increasing) 5×4 Back Squat @ 80-90% Conditioning: Every 3 minutes x 9 rounds ...
Monday: 6×2 Power Snatch + 2 OHS For Time: 6 Thrusters 1x 60m shuttle run 9 thrusters 2x...