Monday: Snatch EMOM 9: 3 Power Snatch 6 Burpees 9 Situps Tuesday: Back Squat In 30 minutes: 3×10 @ 50%...
Monday: Snatch EMOM 9: 3 Power Snatch 6 Burpees 9 Situps Tuesday: Back Squat In 30 minutes: 3×10 @ 50%...
Mon 10min to find heavy push press 12 min to find heavy back squat — 3 Rounds 20 DB Hang...
MONDAY, JULY 19th strength: Strict press- Work up to a heavy set of 5 Back squat 5×3 @ 80-85% 4...
MONDAY, JULY 12th strength: Push press to heavy single in 10 minutes Back squat 5×5 building across sets WOD: Run...