Death by Power Snatch, Overhead Squat and Situps Minute 1 1 power snatch 1 ohs 1 sit up Minute 2...
Death by Power Snatch, Overhead Squat and Situps Minute 1 1 power snatch 1 ohs 1 sit up Minute 2...
50 Double Unders 21 front squat 21 push press 50 double unders 15 front squat 15 push press 50 double...
3 min Amrap 200m run 1 rope climb Rest 1 min 3 min Amrap 10 deadlift 5 pistols (each leg)...
12 min Amrap 6 rounds Run 200m 12 wall ball then Max effort burpees with remaining time. Score is #...