2 Rounds 50 Double Unders (2x Singles) 40 Kettlebell Swings 30 Situps 20 Front Squats 10 Dips Rest 1:1 between...
2 Rounds 50 Double Unders (2x Singles) 40 Kettlebell Swings 30 Situps 20 Front Squats 10 Dips Rest 1:1 between...
40 back squats 30 swings 30 front squats 20 swings 20 ohs 10 swings Try to use the same weight...
Tabata Alternating Kettlebell Snatch Rest 1min Tabata Hollow Rocks Rest 1min Tabata Down and Backs
5 Rounds 20 Goblet Squats 10 Burpees Rest 2:1 Each round should be all out effort – sprint!