Monday 21-15-9 DB thruster Burpees Tuesday 10—>1 Deadlifts (50% of max) Handstand Pushup Wed 10min AMRAP 5 Ring Muscle Up...
Monday 21-15-9 DB thruster Burpees Tuesday 10—>1 Deadlifts (50% of max) Handstand Pushup Wed 10min AMRAP 5 Ring Muscle Up...
Mon 2:00 min on/1:00 min off Get through as many as you can in 2 minutes 10 pullups 10 box...
Mon – 17.1 REPEAT or 40-30-20 Wall Ball 15-15-15 Pullup / C2B 30-30-30 Double Unders Tues 4 Rounds 2min AMRAP...
Mon 30 Wall Ball 25 T2B 20 Power Clean (DB/KB if able) 25 T2B 30 Wall Ball Tues 7 Rounds...