2013-11-22 Partner WOD
w/ a partner complete the following: 20min AMRAP 10 Turkish Getups (alternating arms) 20 HSPU 30 Snatch 40 Burpee Pullup...
w/ a partner complete the following: 20min AMRAP 10 Turkish Getups (alternating arms) 20 HSPU 30 Snatch 40 Burpee Pullup...
Compare to 2013-07-09 5 rounds, 30 secs per station, of: Thruster Rest 30 secs Double Under Rest 30 secs Rotate...
Every minute on the minute rotate between 15 Wall Ball (even minutes) 10 Burpees (odd minutes) then Rest 1 min...
5 Rounds (~60% 1RM) 5 Deadlift 10 Pullups 15 KB Swings 20 Pushups 25 Jumping Alt Lunges 30 Situps
Since we had to cancel Helen on Monday let’s try again: Helen 3 Rounds 400m Run 21 KBS 12 Pullups
The Chief 5 Rounds 3 min AMRAP 3 Power Clean 6 Pushups 9 Air Squats Rest 1 min between rounds...
Compare to 2013-07-10 Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 mins of: Burpee Broad Jump, 10 m 14 Kettlebell...
If you liked the Evolve Paleo sample meals and want to order some then let me know how many you...