10 min amrap 10 deadlift (~40% 1rm) 10 box jump 30 double unders
4 rounds 30 sec thrusters 30 sec rest 45 sec HS hold 45 sec rest 30 sec t2b 30 sec...
3 rounds 400M run 12 goblet lunge 18 KBS **double your time and do that many Burpees at the end
5 wall walks 10 deadlift (60-70% 1RM) 15 pullups 200m run 30 double unders 200m run 15 pullups 10 deadlift...
4 Rounds 15 Squats 15/10 Pushups 4 Rounds 10 situps 10 Lunges (each step is 1) Rest exactly 1 min...
Partner Filthy Fifty – w/ a partner complete the following: 50 Box jump 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings 50...