3min AMRAP 10 Deadlift 10 lateral burpees –rest 3 mins 3 min AMRAP 8 power clean 20 lateral jumps –rest...
3min AMRAP 10 Deadlift 10 lateral burpees –rest 3 mins 3 min AMRAP 8 power clean 20 lateral jumps –rest...
If you’d like to redo open workout 15.1 then you can do that tonight. Just remember to submit your score...
Open Workout 15.1 & 15.1a 9min AMRAP 15 T2B 10 Deadlift 5 Snatch then you have 6min to set a...
We will be watching the open announcement tomorrow night and then talking strategery 🙂 4 Rounds 3min AMRAP 12 split jumps...
So the Open starts tomorrow – have you registered yet? You can test yourself or lie to yourself – your...
10min AMRAP 3…6….9 Ground to Overhead Box Jump 30 double unders after each Compare to 1-6-15
If you haven’t signed up for the open yet then do it. Let me save you the suspense – you...
100 Double Unders 10-8-6-4-2 Handstand Pushup Front squat Shoulder to Overhead then 100 Double Unders Scale the DU to something...
In 12 minutes complete: 5 rounds: 10 Power snatch 10 Pull ups 20 lateral hops over bar Max Effort rope...