I wasn’t too happy with my open performance on 15.3 – it wasn’t awful but I just felt like I...
I wasn’t too happy with my open performance on 15.3 – it wasn’t awful but I just felt like I...
Major shoutout to Justin Woodruff who got his first muscleup while attempting open workout 15.3! Unfortunately there’s no video 🙁...
4min AMRAP 20 double unders 15 goblet squat 10 kb snatch 5 handstand pushups — rest 2 mins and repeat
Week 2 of the Open competition is in the books and we’ve had some really great performances. I know last...
Last chance to redo 15.2 tonight but you have to submit your score by 7pm. For everyone else: 4 Rounds...
The 2nd open workout is here! This one is all about managing your pullups. For the scaled ladies, yes it...
Week 1 of the Open is done and we had a lot of awesome performances! I really enjoy watching everyone...