Mon 5min EMOM 2 Behind the Neck Push Jerk + 1 Snatch Balance 5min EMOM 1 High Hang Snatch +...
Mon 5min EMOM 2 Behind the Neck Push Jerk + 1 Snatch Balance 5min EMOM 1 High Hang Snatch +...
Mon 4min EMOM 1 Muscle Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance 4min EMOM 1 High Hang Power Snatch + 1 High...
Mon Open Gym 10-12 Tues Every 2min for 16min Bike 300m / Row 150m / Run 100m + 3 Front...
Mon Strength Front Squat 3@70% 3@80% ME@90% WOD Every 3 min for 15min 15/10 cals 12 Pullups 9 Thruster Increase...
Mon Front Squat 5@65% 5@75% ME@85% 25 Pullup 50 Calorie Row 100 OH Squats (45/35) 50 Box Jump 10 bar...
Mon-Thurs the focus of the first section is strength work but with some respiratory duress 🙂 Mon Every 4min for...
Mon Every 2min for 14min 10/7 Bike Cals + 2 Power Snatch (inc weight) Rest 6min 20min AMRAP w/ partner...
Mon Warmup 3 Rounds – 200m jog, 5 Muscle Snatch + 5 Overhead Sq, 5 Burpees WOD 0-10min Establish a...
Mon Warmup Row/Bike/Ski 3min 3 Rounds 3 Muscle Snatch (add weight each round) 10sec Hollow Hold w/ light weight in...
Mon Warmup 3 Rounds 1min Row/Bike/Ski 10 Behind the neck band pull aparts + 10 OHS 5 Strict T2B Strength...