Continuing on to week 3 of Squatober. As usual the percentages are based on your training max. Also, you’ll likely...
Continuing on to week 3 of Squatober. As usual the percentages are based on your training max. Also, you’ll likely...
Continuing with Squatober this week. Remember, if you’re doing the squats there likely won’t be time to do the accessory...
Congratulations to John and Frank for completing the Turkish Getup challenge last week! They will receive a gift card to...
We are finishing a 3-month strength block so take this week to re-max on your lifts. You can use this...
Monday- Back Squat: 5 @ 40%, 5 @ 50%, 5 @ 60% 10 Min Emom- Strict Press 10, 10, 9,...
Mon Back Squat – 5×75%, 3×85%, 1+95% 10min EMOM Alt – 5HSPU (DB Strict Press); 10 T2B — 4 Rounds...
Monday- Labor Day Tuesday- Back Squat: 3 @ 70%, 3 @ 80%, 3 @ 90% 10 Min Alt Emom- 5...
We are nearing the end of the month, are you going to make it to 4500 pushups/situps? We’ll have a...
I wanted to welcome two of our coaches to their more permanent time slot. Jamie and Snyder have been coaching...
It is with a mix of excitement and sadness that we announce Sophia’s last coaching day with us will be...