Monday- Squat Snatch6×2 @ 80-85% 4 rounds:10 BBJO15 KB swings10 box step overs holding KB Tuesday- Back Squat8×2 @ 80%...
Monday- Squat Snatch6×2 @ 80-85% 4 rounds:10 BBJO15 KB swings10 box step overs holding KB Tuesday- Back Squat8×2 @ 80%...
Monday: Snatch10 rounds:1 Hang Snatch + 1 Power Snatch Skill work:PistolsOnce they have a modified way of doing them have...
Monday: Back Squat5×5 @ 70-75% 3 rounds:15 cal row15 DL15 BJORest 1:00 after each round Tuesday: 7 sets1 Hang squat...
Mon Every 2min x 7 Rounds 3 Bench Press (inc) + 8 Barbell Situp — 20 Snatch 20 Cals Bike...
Mon Every 2min x 8 Rds – 3 Bench Press + 6 DB Curls (L+R=1) — 15min AMRAP 12 Cals...
Mon 14min EMOM alternate 12 Wall Ball 3 Power Snatch (increasing) — 20 cals bike + 20 cals row +...
Mon Every 2:30 x 6 Rounds 250m Row + 3 Power Snatch (increasing) — 30 Single Arm Devil Press 60...
We’ve got the David Goggins 4x4x48 challenge starting Friday night. That’s a 4mile run every 4 hours for 48 hours....
Monday- Bench PressEvery 3 min for 15 min10 as heavy as possible Metcon12 Min AMRAP15 Med Ball Cleans15 Sit-ups Tuesday-...
Monday- Snatch EMOM for 12 min perform one snatch. Start light at work to a heavy Metcon Accumulate 100 calories...