Power is the Path to Fitness

Power is the Path to Fitness

How many of you try and use the prescribed weight for a workout just to prove to yourself that you...

Jerking With Your Elbows

Jerking With Your Elbows

Wanted to shoot a quick video on why I like to teach the push press and jerk variations with a...

Does Strength Training Interfere with Aerobic Training? (and vice versa)

Does Strength Training Interfere with Aerobic Training? (and vice versa)

As many of you know I’m a physicist and I suppose by definition that makes me a bit of a...

CrossFit 316 Approach to Strength Training

CrossFit 316 Approach to Strength Training

A quick discussion on the importance of strength training and how we incorporate it into our daily CrossFit classes… [youtube...

GRAND OPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!

GRAND OPENING!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are excited to announce the Grand Opening for CrossFit 316!!  WHEN: Saturday, April 6th from 10am to 1pm WHERE:...