5 Rounds 30 Double Unders (2x singles) 15 snatch Rest 1:2 – half as long as it took to complete...
5 Rounds 30 Double Unders (2x singles) 15 snatch Rest 1:2 – half as long as it took to complete...
Burpee/Pullup Ladder 9min AMRAP 2 Burpee + 2 Pullup 4 Burpee + 4 Pullup 6 Burpee + 6 Pullup …...
20 Ground to Overhead 20 HR pushups 50 double unders Rest 1min 15 G2OH 15 clapping pushups 40 DU Rest...
Wed – Normal Thurs – 6am only Fri – 10-noon (open gym) Sat/Sun – Normal
10 min AMRAP 15 wall ball 15 power snatch 15 kb swings
2 rounds 14 Thrusters 14 Pullups rest 1 min 2 rounds 12 power cleans 12 dips rest 1 min 2...
1min burpees 3 roumds 20 split jumps 15 situps 10 deadlift (~65%) 1 min burpees
8 min amrap 8 Power Snatch 16 Mountain Climbers 8 pushups Every minute on the minute stop and complete 4...
5 rounds 2Min 15 Wall ball 10 KB Swing 5 Goblet Squats ME down and backs Rest 1 min
7 min AMRAP 3 Clean and Jerk 3 Toes to bar 6 c&j 6 T2b etc
316 Fitness
4078 N Hoover Ct
Suite 400
Wichita, KS 67205
Mon Back Squat - 3x3 @ 70%, 80%,…
Mon Deadlift - 3x5 @ 65%, 75%, 85%…