Posts by admin

2015-04-08 & Strength Template Update

2015-04-08 & Strength Template Update

As you might’ve seen yesterday, or will see today, the 3 strength workouts posted for the week contain quite a...

Strength Template Update

Strength Template Update

We do strength work everyday but I’ve noticed that while some of you focus on one specific lift, say a...



Every minute on the minute for 10min 15 Wall Ball (even min) 15 Kettlebell Swing (odd min) Rest 1 min...

2015-04-06 Progress & Reminiscing

2015-04-06 Progress & Reminiscing

With our two year anniversary coming up it’s been fun to look back on where people started and where they...



Run 400m 15 snatches Run 200m 30 snatches Run 400m



As a team we finished the open 45th this year which is ~30 spots better than last year. We also...

2015-03-31 The Open is Over & We are Finally Open at the New Location

2015-03-31 The Open is Over & We are Finally Open at the New Location

So the open has come to an end. There will be plenty of updates to the leaderboard over the next...

2015-03-26 – Moving Day This Saturday

2015-03-26 – Moving Day This Saturday

Looks like we will finally be moving into the new building this Saturday. If you’re available to help it would...



5 rounds :30 goblet squats :30 rest :30 handstand hold :30 rest :30 chin over bar hold (or scale to...



One week left before the open is over! So far it’s been a blast to watch everybody push themselves, and...