Memorial Day Murph
Come join us for our 3rd Annual Memorial Day Murph workout! If you don’t know what Murph is, well I...
Come join us for our 3rd Annual Memorial Day Murph workout! If you don’t know what Murph is, well I...
4min AMRAP 5 hspu 10 snatches 15 sit ups 20 push ups 25 box jumps Rest 2min, pick up where...
10min 800 m run Then AMRAP 7 pull ups 14 push press 21 double unders
8min AMRAP 1 rep of complex (3 deadlift+ 3 hang power cleans + 3 front squats) 10 t2b
10 Rounds In 1 minute do 20 Double Unders (or 20 singles) Run 100m Max Effort Snatches with remaining time...
3 Rounds 30 wallballs 20 Burpees 10 pull ups -if break on wb you must run 200 with wallball
5 rounds 10 front squats 10 shoulder to overhead 10 front rack step ups (5/5)
7 min amrap 3 cleans 3 hr push ups 6 cleans 6 hr push ups Add 3 each rd
316 Fitness
4078 N Hoover Ct
Suite 400
Wichita, KS 67205
Mon Back Squat - 3x3 @ 70%, 80%,…
Mon Deadlift - 3x5 @ 65%, 75%, 85%…