5 Rounds 10 Thrusters 10 Burpees over the bar
Every 3min for 15min Run 200m 10 Box Jumps 10 Snatches Scale as needed
Awesome job to everybody that competed in the Old Town Throwdown this past Saturday! These local competitions are getting more...
We will have no classes on Saturday since several individuals and coaches will be competing at the Old Town Throwdown...
OldTown Throwdown Competition Workout #2 10min AMRAP – add 1rep each time you do a new movement – i.e. 1...
1st Workout from the OldTown Throwdown Competition 4min AMRAP 5 Hang Power Clean 4 Front Squats 3 Push Press Rest...
12min AMRAP: 3 Shoulder to Overhead 3 Box Jumps Increase 3 each round
316 Fitness
4078 N Hoover Ct
Suite 400
Wichita, KS 67205
Mon Back Squat - 3x3 @ 70%, 80%,…
Mon Deadlift - 3x5 @ 65%, 75%, 85%…