12min AMRAP Run 400m 15 Overhead Squat If you break the OHS then complete 10 burpees before starting back up
12min AMRAP Run 400m 15 Overhead Squat If you break the OHS then complete 10 burpees before starting back up
5min AMRAP 20 Situps 20m Bear Crawl 40 Double Unders Rest 2min 5min AMRAP 5 Pullup 10 Hang Snatch 15...
Max time is here and this week provides you an opportunity to find out all the gainz you’ve been making....
Craig has accepted a new job and will be moving out of town. It has been a privilege to have...
10-8-6-4-2 Ground to Overhead 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders 2-4-6-8-10 Front Rack Lunges
12min AMRAP 6 Pullups 12 Burpees 18 Box Step-ups (9L/9R)
4 Rounds 10 Goblet Squats 10 Hand Release Pushups 10 Deadlift (~50-60% 1RM)
10min AMRAP 10 Pullups 10 Front Squats 10 Shoulder to Overhead
316 Fitness
4078 N Hoover Ct
Suite 400
Wichita, KS 67205
Mon Back Squat - 3x3 @ 70%, 80%,…
Mon Deadlift - 3x5 @ 65%, 75%, 85%…