Mon Back Squat – work to heavy single (add to the new leaderboard!) Drop Weight 3×3 200m Run 4 DB...
Mon Back Squat – work to heavy single (add to the new leaderboard!) Drop Weight 3×3 200m Run 4 DB...
Mon Back Squat – work to heavy double (heavier than last week) then 3×3 @ 80% of heavy double 16min...
Monday Back Squat 5×2 5-10# heavier than last week Rest 2 min between sets 10min skill practice 21-15-9 KB snatch...
Monday Back Squat 5×2 @ 80% — 4 Rounds 8 Burpee Box Jump Over 8 Push Jerks 8 Cals Tues...
Gym is closed tomorrow due to inclement weather
MONDAY 0-10min 2 Rounds 50 ft walking lunge 30 seconds of DU 20 ft alternating squat 25 ft inchworm with...
Mon 0-10min 2 Rounds 10 WB, 8 KBS, 6 Ring Rows, 4 Burpee Broad Jump, 2 Laps around gym 10-25min...
MONDAY 0-10min 3 Rounds 5 inchworms+ 10 Russian KB swings+ 50’ walking lunge+ 30 DU/60 singles 10-25 Min (Work up...
Mon 0-10min 3 Rounds 250m Row, 10 Wall Ball, 5 T2B 10-25 min 10min EMOM Alternate 3 Back Squat @...
Mon 3×3 Front Squat @ 70%,80%,90% 10min AMRAP 30 Double Under 5 Thruster* 5 C2B* *Add one rep every round...
316 Fitness
4078 N Hoover Ct
Suite 400
Wichita, KS 67205
Mon Deadlift - 3x5 @ 65%, 75%, 85%…
Mon Back Squat - Work to heavy single/max…