Conditioning first. Mon: 7min AMRAP 3,6,9,etc HSPU T2B 2x 7/13 squats at 75% or 5-15# heavier than last week Tues:...
Conditioning first. Mon: 7min AMRAP 3,6,9,etc HSPU T2B 2x 7/13 squats at 75% or 5-15# heavier than last week Tues:...
Conditioning first again all week. Mon: 15-12-9-12-15 C&J Pushups 2 sets 7/13 squats at 70% of FS or 10-15# heavier...
Mon 3:00 Front Rack Stretching 5:00 Shoulder and Chest Soft Tissue work/Stretching 3 x :30 Goblet Squat Hold 5 Tempo...
Mon 100 m jog, easy 3 x Dynamic Stretch (change each round) 5/5 Single Arm KB Snatches 200 m jog...
Mon 200 m jog :30 Goblet Squat hold w/KB 200 m jog :30/:30 Couch Stretch 3 x :10-:15 Ring Support...
Monday w/partner 2 sets each 200 m jog + 250 m row (partner runs while other rows, then switch, x...
Mon Warmup 200 m jog+ 30s Goblet Squat hold w/KB + 200 m jog 30s/30s Couch Stretch 3 Rounds 10...
Mon EMOM for 10min alternate 10-8-6-4-2 Front Squat Pull-up (strict if able) 12min AMRAP 10 Snatch 100m Run 8 HSPU...
Mon 10min EMOM alternate 3 Front Squats 6 Pullups (c2b if able) 3min EMOM – 12/9 cals 8min EMOM –...
Mon 5×5 emom alternating Strict Pull-up Back Squat 5 Rounds 3min AMRAP 200m Run 10 Burpees ME C&J no rest...
316 Fitness
4078 N Hoover Ct
Suite 400
Wichita, KS 67205
Mon Deadlift - 3x5 @ 65%, 75%, 85%…
Mon Back Squat - Work to heavy single/max…