Monday Back squat 3×10 @ 55% ——————- 15 min Amrap 10 alt DB snatch 10 box jump overs 10 goblet...
Monday Back squat 3×10 @ 55% ——————- 15 min Amrap 10 alt DB snatch 10 box jump overs 10 goblet...
Mon 10->1 DB Thruster *Complete 10 cals at the start of each round Rest 5min 10->1 Pull-ups Pushups Air Squats...
Mon 12 Days is here 🙂 1 Turkish Getup 2 Pistols 3 Handstand Pushup 4 DB Hang Clean & Jerk...
Mon Every 3 min for 15min 2 Front Squat (increasing) + 15 Cals (skip Cals on last round) ———— (both...
MONDAY Power Output Challenge 12/9 Cal Bike 10 Burpee Box Jump Over 8 Squat Snatch Rest 2:1 then repeat Metcon...
Mon Every 3min for 15min 3 Power Clean (increasing) 3 Bench Press (increasing) 12/8 Bike Cals (fast) ————- 0:15min 7...
Mon 10min EMOM alternate 1 Push Press + 4 Push Jerk 3 Strict L-Pullup ———– Tabata Abs ———– Every 3min...
Monday 10 min EMOM Odd: 3 P. Press + 2 P. Jerk Even: 3 (1+1) (strict pull-up + neg. pull-up)...
Monday 10 min EMOM Alt. 5 Push Press 5+ chin-ups (pick a challenging #) Tabata Abs (8 min) 4min :20/:10...
Announcements: The November challenge is for the entire gym to accumulate 1 million meters on the rower. So help the...
316 Fitness
4078 N Hoover Ct
Suite 400
Wichita, KS 67205
Mon Deadlift - 3x5 @ 65%, 75%, 85%…
Mon Back Squat - Work to heavy single/max…