Classes are back on the regular schedule. We’ve included only two running workouts this week since several of you did...
Classes are back on the regular schedule. We’ve included only two running workouts this week since several of you did...
Welcome back! As part of Phase 1.5 we are allowed to open the gym but we cannot run group classes....
Welcome back to another week of at-home fitness! Don’t forget to join us on zoom MWF at 530pm. Below there...
Some businesses are allowed to re-open as part of the governor’s Phase 1 plan but gyms are part of Phase...
Hope you got some of the running workouts in last week. Let’s keep it going this week! Mix these in...
We’ve added a new running program to the mix starting this week! I know everybody is super stoked about that...
Zoom workouts at 530 on MWF! Join in the suffering with all of us 🙂 Plan on doing the strength...
Mon 3×5 Squat (Front or Back; increasing) 1xME Squat – should be around 10RM; stop if you get 10 You...
Welcome to quarantine week 1! Here’s some workouts you can do. Some may require you to improvise but I’m sure...
I’ve added some home version of the daily workouts in case you don’t want to come in and are looking...
316 Fitness
4078 N Hoover Ct
Suite 400
Wichita, KS 67205
Mon Deadlift - 3x5 @ 65%, 75%, 85%…
Mon Back Squat - Work to heavy single/max…