MONDAY, JULY 19th strength: Strict press- Work up to a heavy set of 5 Back squat 5×3 @ 80-85% 4...
MONDAY, JULY 19th strength: Strict press- Work up to a heavy set of 5 Back squat 5×3 @ 80-85% 4...
MONDAY, JULY 12th strength: Push press to heavy single in 10 minutes Back squat 5×5 building across sets WOD: Run...
MONDAY, JULY 5TH Strict press 5×3 pick weight you can maintain across sets Back squat 5×2 85ish% EMOM 3 for...
Monday Strength 5×5 Press (increasing) 5×4 Back Squat @ 80-90% Conditioning: Every 3 minutes x 9 rounds ...
Monday: 6×2 Power Snatch + 2 OHS For Time: 6 Thrusters 1x 60m shuttle run 9 thrusters 2x...
Monday strength: 3 position snatch- (floor, knee, hip) working to heavy for complex Back squat 3×4 WOD5min ME Bike Cals-Rest...
Monday strength: snatch+hang snatch+OHS work to heavy- no max for complex 12 single arm devil press (alternating) 100’ walking lunge...
TuesDeadlift6×2 70-85%HSPU6x 5-7 reps using Kipling/strict/deficit as able**alternating movements between sets—13 min AMRAP3,6,9, etcDB SnatchSitups20 DUsi.e. 3/3/20, 6/6/20, 9/9/20, etcWedFront...
MondaySnatch 4 x 2 not touch and go @ 80-85%Back squat 4×5 @ 80% Every 90 sec for 21 min6...
MondaySnatch 6 sets 1 power snatch + 1 snatch building to heavySquat 5 x 475-80% Every 3 min x 5...
316 Fitness
4078 N Hoover Ct
Suite 400
Wichita, KS 67205
Mon Deadlift - 3x5 @ 65%, 75%, 85%…
Mon Back Squat - Work to heavy single/max…