

Movement Prep
2 Rounds
90sec Row/Bike/Ski
6 Inchworms
8 lateral lunges each side
45sec Hollow Hold

Back Squat + Pause Back Squat 4×(3+1); heavier than last week
DB Lunges 4×6 (L+R=1)

4 Rounds:
15/10 Cals Bike
12 Toes to bar
9 Thruster


Movement Prep
2 Rounds
5 Scap Pull-up
10 Hand-Release Push-up
15 Cable crossover or banded face-pull

Superset these two movements – slightly heavier than last week
Incline DB Bench Press 3×15
Bent Over Row 3×10

Power Clean + Thruster – work to the weight you’re going to use in the workout and perform 5×2 at that weight

Buy In: 1000m Row

5 Rounds of:
4 Power Clean
6 Front Squat
8 Shoulder to Overhead

Buy Out: 500m Row


2 Rounds
60 sec Bike/Ski/Row
10 Box Step Up
10 KB Swing
30sec hang from the bar with final 10sec doing small kips

100 Cals Bike
then Max Rounds of
20 Sit-ups
20 Alt Jumping Lunges

Rest 2min

100 Cals Row
then Max Rounds of
20 Burpees
20 Goblet Squats

Rest 2min

50 Cals Bike
then Max Rounds of
10 Sit-ups
10 Alt Jumping Lunges

Rest 2min

50 Cal Row
then Max Rounds of
10 Burpees
10 Goblet Squats


Movement Prep
3 Rounds
10 Air Squat
4×50′ DB High Low Walk (switch arms each direction)
10 Lateral Box Hop Over

10min EMOM (alt)
8 DB Strict Press
8 Chin-up (scale as needed to lower number or band-assisted)

10mins to Work to a heavy Power Snatch then
5min EMOM of 1 Power Snatch at 90% of heavy

12min AMRAP
Wall Ball
Russian Swing
*30 DU after each round

Fri – CrossFit Open workout 25.1