
We are moving on to a new strength phase that will focus a bit more on olympic lifting. We’ll include some specific practice as part of the warmups. The intent behind this is to prepare you to move efficiently during the strength and conditioning workouts. The goal is not to go heavy or fast but to focus on moving well.


Movement Prep

Empty Barbell Muscle Clean 2 x 6

Empty Barbell Front Squat 2 x 10

Strength Prep

8min EMOM (alternating)

5 Power Clean (95/55)

5 Box Jump (should focus on jumping here and not a step up. Pick a box you’re comfortable with)

Hang Squat Clean 5×3 (~70%)

Front Squat 4×4 (~70%)

12min AMRAP

16 Double DB front rack walking lunges
10 Single arm DB Devil press (same DB from lunges)
5 Shuttle runs


Movement Prep

Turkish Get-ups: 3 x 2 on each side
Single arm DB bench press 3 x 8 on each side

Bench Press – 5×3 (increasing)

Every 3:30min x 4 Rounds:
8 T2B
12 Alternated DB Hang Clean and Press (50/35lbs.)
16/12 Cal Row

15-12-9 Ring Row

15-12-9 DB Bench Press (50/35)

50-50-50 Double Unders


Conditioning Prep:

12min EMOM (alternating)
10 Back Extension
40sec Plank Walk Over
8 Single Leg Deadlift (L+R=1)

5-10-15 Drill (complete 2 reps within the minute)

16min AMRAP
1000m Bike
5 Burpee box jump
10 KB Swing
15 Wall ball

4 Rounds
16/12 cals of your choice (Ski/Row/Bike)
12 Alt DB hang snatch
8 Goblet reverse lunges (L+R=2 – same DB as used in hang snatch)


Movement Prep

Gorilla row 2 x 8 (L+R=1

Half kneeling single arm KB shoulder press 2 x 6 (L+R=1)

Hollow hold 2 x 30sec

Push Press – 5×3 (All 5 sets done at same weight ~80-85%)

Every 2 min x 5 Rounds (both movements in same round):
8 Strict Press (pick a number you can maintain and we’ll try and increase next week)
6 Strict Pull-up

10 rounds for time:
15 Air Squat
30 Double Under


Movement Prep:
Barbell roll out 3 x 8 reps
KB swing 3 x 8 reps (Go Heavier each round)

Strength Prep:

5min EMOM – 3 Position Power Snatch (high hang + above knee + floor)

Power Snatch 6×2 (all at 80% of max)

8min EMOM

4 Hang Power Clean + 8 Box Jump Over

10min AMRAP



Hand release pushup