This will be your last heavy week in this three month cycle so go big! Also, good work to everyone keeping the weights manageable during the workouts. Hopefully you’re finding yourself less sore than you would otherwise feel. Keep it up!
Work to a max deadlift or snatch.
then do 3X10 of bench press @ 50%. Max reps on last set.
8min EMOM Alternate
10/7 Cals
1 Round of Cindy
Rest 1min* after completing the 8min then
Repeat the 8min EMOM – total workout is 16 rounds (8 of each movement)
*Note: If you think you can continue to get through all 16 rounds without rest and without scaling then go for it. Otherwise, take this 1min rest to prepare for the final half of the workout
Work to a max strict press.
then do 3×10 of pull-ups (use a band if needed but make challenging)
Every 2min. x 3 Rounds:
200m Ski (or Bike 500m)
15 Slam Ball (20/14)
Rest 1min.
Every 2min. x 3 Rounds:
200m Row
15 KB Swings
Rest 1min.
Every 2min. x 3 Rounds:
200m Run (or Bike 500m)
15 Box Step Up
Work to a max back squat.
then do 3×10 deadlift or snatch @ 50%. Max reps on last set.
Every 2min (Death by…)
8 Bike Cals + 8 Wall Ball + 1 G2OH
*Leave the Bike and WB the same but add 1 G2OH every round (115/85 max)
**Keep going until you can no longer complete all the G2OH in the 2min window. Workout ends after 10 rounds – can you make it?
Work to a max bench press.
then do 3×10 strict press @ 50%. Max reps on last set.
15min AMRAP
25 Thruster 45/35lb bar
50 Cals Row
75 Overhead Squats 45/35lb bar
100 Double Unders
Work to a max C&J.
then do 3×10 back squat @ 50%. Max reps on last set.
Open 19.4
3 Rounds
10 Snatch (95/65 max) + 12 Bar-Facing Burpees
3 Min Rest
3 Rounds
10 Bar MU + 12 Bar-Facing Burpees