
For 2023 I will say this – if you want to change your strength and fitness then the first step is to show up. If you do that, then you’ll put in the work because everyone else will be doing the same. And once you put in the work, consistently, you will see results. That I can promise.

However, keep in mind the #1 way to stall your progress is injury. Ask yourself going into the workouts if you need to put 95lbs on the bar or should it really be 75? Are you adding weight because you’ll be able to justify your rest during the workout? The goal should be to keep moving the entire time. If you haven’t approached your workouts this way, then now is a good time to try it. The results will be a more fit, less injured, less sore you. Or, keep grinding yourself into oblivion if that’s what you prefer but at least you’ll have made a conscious decision to do so…

Monday- Closed;

if you’re dying to do something on your own:

Work to a heavy deadlift or snatch

then do 3X10 of bench press @ 50%

4 Rounds

4min Run/Bike/Row/Ski @ Endurance Pace

2min @ 10% faster for 1st 2 rounds then 20% faster for final 2 rounds

Work to a heavy strict press
then do 3×10 of pull-ups (use a band if needed but make challenging)

15min EMOM (30 sec on/off); alternate

Burpee Box Jump Over

KB Swing

Double Under

**Score is worst number for each movement

Work to a heavy back squat
then do 3×10 deadlift or snatch @ 50%

3min AMRAP: 9 PP + 12/9 Cals

3min AMRAP: 9 T2B + 12 Front Squat

3min AMRAP 12 PP + 9/7 Cals

3min AMRAP 12 T2B + 9 Front Squat

Work to a heavy bench press
then do 3×10 strict press @ 50%

500m Row/Ski

40 Wall Ball

30 Hang Power Clean (95/65 max)

20 Pullups

10 Wall Walk

20 Pullups

30 Hang Power Clean

40 Wall Ball

500m Row (Ski/Row)

Bella Complex (Clean, Jerk, Front Squat, Jerk)
Work to a heavy over 20 minutes
*Ideally do 1 complex every 2 minutes for a total of 10 efforts
adding weight throughout.


Snatch (75/55 max)

Cals Bike (15/11/7)