


 30 mins. Start light and add weight each set focusing on technique.

 If it feels good today, work to a max.


3 Power Snatch

6 Burpees

9 Situps


Back Squat

In 30 minutes:

 If you hit a new PR last week:

3×10 @ 50%

 If you didn’t hit a PR last week:

            3 @ 50%, 3 @ 60%

            2 @ 70%, 2 @ 80%

            1 @ 85%, 1 @ 90%

            If it feels good, try to PR, if not drop to 70% for 3x3

12min AMRAP

5 Power Cleans

15 Pushups

30 DU’s


Split Jerk

 30 mins. Work to a max (from the rack).

Every 4 mins start a new set:

In 2 mins:

 5 C2B/Pull Ups

 10 Bar Facing Burpees

 ME Back Squats (95/65 ish)

 --Rest 2 mins

**Continue until 75 back squats are completed.


14min EMOM, alternating:

10 ring rows (make them challenging)

8 (right) / 8 (left) Single-arm DB push press

8 rounds for time
200m Run

10 T2B


Clean & Jerk

In 30 minutes:

 If you hit a new PR last week:

8 C&J singles @ 70% focusing on perfect technique

 If you didn’t hit a PR last week:

            Use the 30 minutes to work to a heavy, if it feels good continue to a max, if not drop to 85% and do 4 singles

10min AMRAP

7 Deadlift

14 Cals

21 WB