
How Do I run Farther? (*Taken from Run to the Finish… Good Stuff!)
1. When you want to run farther, you often need to slow down to conserve energy as your body builds up to the new mileage.
2. Hills are the best way to build leg strength and power in your stride which will translate to both speed and endurance
3.More time on your feet! Walking utilizes the same muscles with less impact as you build.
Walk to warm up, Walk when you finish, Take an extra walk at lunch
4. Beating the boredom or the “I can’t “ factor is huge
*Start with small increases- to gain confidence (If you are only running 2 miles add an extra 400 meters)
*Listen to podcasts-books-musicals
*Find a running buddy
*Try running somewhere new
5. Set a goal and work towards it
*Speed?, Distance?, Just the fact you are running during the week?

Running Workouts
Workout #1 Speed
5×200 with 200 meter recovery jog in between
Or 5×60 second with 2 minute recovery jog
*Warm up with a walk/jog of at least 800 meters 1 mile would be better!
*The 200’s need to be a Hard push

Workout #2 Midline
1 mile @ Moderate Pace
400 meter recovery jog
1 mile @ Moderate Pace
400 meter recovery jog

Workout #3 Long Run
Work on that ENDURANCE! If you haven’t been running get out and move! Walk get those steps in! Make a goal! Give a shout out!

Every 4:00
5 x 50’ Suitcase Carry Walking Lunge (make this challenging)
**10 pallof press each direction in between each set

Intervals Conditioning:
Every 4 mins x 5
In 3 mins
Run 400m
2 wall walks
ME BS (75/55)

Power Snatch
5×2 Increase if reps are perfect
7:00 Tabata
Alternating between curls and presses
10 min AMRAP
10 DL (115/75)
10 S2OH
10 Box Jumps

4 x 3-6 slow negative HSPU
4 x 5 SA KB Press (each arm)

5 rounds
30 DU
20 pullups
10 squat cleans

Bench / DL (Pick weaker mvmt for you)
5×3 @ 85% of 3rm
5×5 @ 50×1 (5 sec negative, 0 sec pause, explode up, 1 sec pause at top)

12 min AMRAP
12 T2B
15 pushups
12 power snatch

2 x Power Clean + Jerk
Work to a challenging heavy

150 KBS
**Every break 5 down & backs (5 x 50’)