Max Week! 2015-06-29

Max time is here and this week provides you an opportunity to find out all the gainz you’ve been making. There are two parts to this – one is a reduction in volume and the second is a test to see where you are which will help define the working weights for the next cycle. Both are important! Do not add a billion heavy squats this week on top of the maxes. If you have extra time you can do some bodyweight work – pullups, double unders, pushups, muscle ups, rope climbs, etc.

I want you to find maxes in the back squat, front squat, clean and jerk, and snatch. Everybody should be able to accomplish those over the course of the week. If you attend 4+ days then feel free to add maxes for push press, HSPU, pull-ups, T2B, etc to those maxes. If you want to max your deadlift then just know what you’re getting in to. If you are already deadlifting 400+ for men or 260+ for women then the risk/reward ratio is probably inverted for you. And if you have a history of back pain then don’t max your deadlift – period.

When finding a max you should try and have your max attempt be about your 5th or 6th set. For example, if you think your max is around 200 then you would go 115×5, 145×3, 165×2, 185×1, 200×1. If you want to do a lighter set for 8-10 at the beginning then that’s ok. Basically the reps need to go down as you get heavier and by the time you get to 80-90% you need to only be doing single reps. Also, the weight before your max attempt should be no more than 95% of your current max. The rest periods also need to go up to about 3-5 minutes as you get close to your max. This is important! Pay attention to the clock. Let’s hear that PR cowbell this week!

Monday WOD
50 T2B
50 S2OH
50 Box Jumps
Every minute on the minute stop where you are and complete 5 burpees then pick up where you left off.