I wasn’t too happy with my open performance on 15.3 – it wasn’t awful but I just felt like I could do better. I’m certain that everyone has days and workouts like this. No matter how hard you push, you just don’t live up to your own expectations. On one hand you don’t want to lower your expectations, but you also don’t want to set yourself up for failure. It’s easy to let something as insignificant as a workout bring you into a tailspin of frustration and general malaise.
In hindsight it’s quite obvious to see the silliness of this train of thought. But while you’re in the thick of things it can royally piss you off. In my case, perspective is the key. Where was I 5 or 10 years ago? Better yet, understand there are people that are physically incapable of doing basic human tasks like walking. Makes those extra 10 reps seem very small.
I find it empowering to think about how far I’ve come and to realize that no matter where you start, YOU can make a choice to change your life. These changes can be as significant as losing 100 lbs or as simple as staying in touch with friends. You can decide right now that you want to change your life and the only person keeping you from doing so is you. Everyone is busy, or tired or whatever. Some people can’t walk, you can.
Better than yesterday, tomorrow better than today…
5 wall walks
15 pull-ups
25 Thrusters
35 KBS
45 Double Unders
35 KBS
25 Thrusters
15 pull-ups
5 wall walks