Reminder that we have our annual Christmas toy drive for the Wichita Children’s Home this month – the deadline for drop off is Dec 20th. They are accepting a wide variety of items and not just toys. You can download their full wish list here (pdf)
The gym Christmas party is scheduled for 6pm Friday, Dec 20th. It’s a potluck and we’ll have a sign up for items on the whiteboard. Bring a white elephant gift if you want to partake in the gift exchange. It’s always a lot of fun so we hope you can join us.
We will be moving all the equipment to the new gym (4078 N Hoover Ct, Suite 400) on Sat starting at 9am. Any help is greatly appreciated!
This is week three for the 5×5 strength progression. All sets are done at the same weight unless otherwise specified. Try and add 5-10 lbs from last week.
Front Squat – 5×5
Power Clean – 5×3
*add 5-10 lbs this week
4 Rounds – Score is lowest number of reps in each round
1min Bike Cals
1min Lunges
1min T2B
1min Rest
Push Jerk/Press – 5×5 (Add 5# to last week’s weight)
Strict Pull-up – 5×5 (weighted if able – hold a DB between your feet or use the dip belt)
w/ a Partner:
5min AMRAP
Max Cals Ski (don’t use the same machine for both 5min AMRAPs
*Switch every 10 cals
5min AMRAP
2 Wall Walk
10 Wall Ball
10 DB Snatches
*Rest 3min and then repeat both 5 min AMRAPS
Bench – 5×5
Deadlift – 5×5
Complete using 20s/10s work/rest cycles
40 Hang Power Cleans (95 max)
40 Lateral Burpees over the Bar
40/32 Cals Rowing
40 Box Step Up
*You are only working for 20sec at each station followed by a 10sec rest. Keep following this sequence until you finish the 40 reps at each station. There is no additional rest between stations
20min EMOM
Crossover Symmetry External Rotation
6 Rounds
7 Thrusters
8 Pull-Ups
9 KB Swings
10/7 Bike Cals
Back Squat – 5×5
Hang Power Snatch – 5×2 (All reps should be >=70% 1RM. Try and build to something heavier than last week but no misses!)
Devil Press
Shuttle Run