
Reminder that we have our annual Christmas toy drive for the Wichita Children’s Home this month – the deadline for drop off is Dec 20th. They are accepting a wide variety of items and not just toys. You can download their full wish list here (pdf)

The gym Christmas party is scheduled for 6pm Friday, Dec 20th. It’s a potluck and we’ll have a sign up for items on the whiteboard. Bring a white elephant gift if you want to partake in the gift exchange. It’s always a lot of fun so we hope you can join us.

We will be moving all the equipment to the new gym (4078 N Hoover Ct, Suite 400) on Sat starting at 9am. Any help is greatly appreciated!

This is week three for the 5×5 strength progression. All sets are done at the same weight unless otherwise specified. Try and add 5-10 lbs from last week.


Front Squat – 5×5

Power Clean – 5×3

*add 5-10 lbs this week

4 Rounds – Score is lowest number of reps in each round
1min Bike Cals
1min Lunges
1min T2B
1min Rest


Push Jerk/Press – 5×5 (Add 5# to last week’s weight)

Strict Pull-up – 5×5 (weighted if able – hold a DB between your feet or use the dip belt)

w/ a Partner:

5min AMRAP
Max Cals Ski (don’t use the same machine for both 5min AMRAPs
*Switch every 10 cals

5min AMRAP
2 Wall Walk
10 Wall Ball
10 DB Snatches

*Rest 3min and then repeat both 5 min AMRAPS


Bench – 5×5

Deadlift – 5×5

Complete using 20s/10s work/rest cycles

40 Hang Power Cleans (95 max)
40 Lateral Burpees over the Bar
40/32 Cals Rowing
40 Box Step Up

*You are only working for 20sec at each station followed by a 10sec rest. Keep following this sequence until you finish the 40 reps at each station. There is no additional rest between stations


20min EMOM

Crossover Symmetry External Rotation

Landmine Rotation

Glute Bridge Single Arm Press

Back Extension

Wall Bicep Curl

6 Rounds
7 Thrusters
8 Pull-Ups
9 KB Swings
10/7 Bike Cals


Back Squat – 5×5

Hang Power Snatch – 5×2 (All reps should be >=70% 1RM. Try and build to something heavier than last week but no misses!)


Devil Press

Shuttle Run