
Two things to mention this week – first, we have our annual Christmas toy drive for the Wichita Children’s Home this month. They are an amazing organization that does a lot for children in our community. Please consider supporting them and drop off your items by Dec 20th. Note, that they are accepting a wide variety of items and not just toys. You can download their full wish list here (pdf)

Next, we are planning the gym Christmas party for Friday, Dec 20th. It’s a potluck and we’ll have a sign up for items on the whiteboard. It’s always a lot of fun so we hope you can join us.

Also, this is week two for the 5×5 strength progression. All sets are done at the same weight unless otherwise specified. Try and add 5-10 lbs from last week.


Front Squat – 5×5

Power Clean – 5×3

* Last week should’ve been relatively light so add 5-10 lbs this week

20min EMOM

12/9 Cals Rower

50 ft walking lunge (bodyweight only)

20 Russian Swings

15 Wall Ball



Push Jerk/Press – 5×5 (Add 5# to last week’s weight)

Strict Pull-up – 5×5 (weighted if able – hold a DB between your feet)

2min AMRAP
8 Barbell Hang Cleans (95/65 max)
8 Barbell Front Squats

Rest 2min

2min AMRAP
8/5 Cals Bike
8 Slam Ball

Repeat both AMRAPs again w/ 2mins rest between (*total of four 2min AMRAPs with 2mins rest between)


Bench – 5×5

Deadlift – 5×5

5min AMRAP


DB Thruster


Rest 3min

5min AMRAP


Double DB Snatch

Lateral burpees over DBs


20min EMOM

Single Arm Arnold Press

Leg Raises Over DB

Back Extension Static Hold

Barbell Curl

Barbell Calf Raises

3 Rounds

5 Shuttle Runs + 15 Hang Snatch + 30 Air Squat

Rest 3min

3 Rounds

10 Ski Cals + 15 Hang C&J + 20 Box Step Up


Back Squat – 5×5

Hang Power Snatch – 5×2 (All reps should be >=70% 1RM. Try and build to something heavier than last week but no misses!)


Bike Cals



DUs x 3 (i.e. 90, 60, 30 DUs instead of 30, 20, 10)