Two things to mention this week – first, we have our annual Christmas toy drive for the Wichita Children’s Home this month. They are an amazing organization that does a lot for children in our community. Please consider supporting them and drop off your items by Dec 20th. Note, that they are accepting a wide variety of items and not just toys. You can download their full wish list here (pdf)
Next, we are planning the gym Christmas party for Friday, Dec 20th. It’s a potluck and we’ll have a sign up for items on the whiteboard. It’s always a lot of fun so we hope you can join us.
Also, this is week two for the 5×5 strength progression. All sets are done at the same weight unless otherwise specified. Try and add 5-10 lbs from last week.
Front Squat – 5×5
Power Clean – 5×3
* Last week should’ve been relatively light so add 5-10 lbs this week
20min EMOM
12/9 Cals Rower
50 ft walking lunge (bodyweight only)
20 Russian Swings
15 Wall Ball
Push Jerk/Press – 5×5 (Add 5# to last week’s weight)
Strict Pull-up – 5×5 (weighted if able – hold a DB between your feet)
2min AMRAP
8 Barbell Hang Cleans (95/65 max)
8 Barbell Front Squats
Rest 2min
2min AMRAP
8/5 Cals Bike
8 Slam Ball
Repeat both AMRAPs again w/ 2mins rest between (*total of four 2min AMRAPs with 2mins rest between)
Bench – 5×5
Deadlift – 5×5
5min AMRAP
DB Thruster
Rest 3min
5min AMRAP
Double DB Snatch
Lateral burpees over DBs
20min EMOM
3 Rounds
5 Shuttle Runs + 15 Hang Snatch + 30 Air Squat
Rest 3min
3 Rounds
10 Ski Cals + 15 Hang C&J + 20 Box Step Up
Back Squat – 5×5
Hang Power Snatch – 5×2 (All reps should be >=70% 1RM. Try and build to something heavier than last week but no misses!)
Bike Cals
DUs x 3 (i.e. 90, 60, 30 DUs instead of 30, 20, 10)