
Thank you to everyone that donated to the gym’s Thanksgiving food drive! It ended up being a big carload of food that we dropped off last Tues at the Kansas Food Bank.

We’ve just wrapped up two blocks of the 5/3/1 program and are moving on to a new strength program. This time, we’re focusing on a 5×5 structure for building strength, with a bit more emphasis on Olympic lifts compared to the previous 5/3/1 blocks.

During this program, our main goal will be to consistently increase our weights for the 5×5 lifts each week. During the first week, it’s recommended to start on the lighter side to find your footing. From there, you’ll gradually increase the weight each week to a level that challenges you.

I recommend starting with about 70% of your one-rep max for all sets — not just building up to it. This means your warm-up sets don’t count for the 5×5 work. Each subsequent week, challenge yourself to add more weight. If a lift doesn’t follow the 5×5 rep scheme, then check the guidance for that specific day to see how to approach it.

Let’s crush these next 6 weeks!


Front Squat – 5×5 (Do all sets at the same weight. Start this first week at ~70% of your 1RM)

Power Clean – 5×3 (All reps should be >=70% 1RM. Build if you want but all sets should be snappy. No misses for sure!)

15min AMRAP

5 Double DB Hang Clean

5 T2B

8 Pushups

8 DB Lunges


Push Jerk/Press – 5×5 (Do all sets at the same weight. Start this first week at ~70% of your 1RM)

Strict Pull-up – 5×5 (Weighted if able)

4 Rounds x 2min AMRAP w/ 2min Rest between rounds

2min AMRAP – 20/14 Cals Bike + ME Double Unders

2min AMRAP – 25/20 Cals Rower + ME Alt DB Snatch

2min AMRAP – 20/14 Cals Bike + ME Double Unders

2min AMRAP – 25/20 Cals Rower + ME Alt DB Snatch

*Rest 2mins between rounds

** Record total DUs and total DB Snatch


Bench – 5×5 (Do all sets at the same weight. Start this first week at ~70% of your 1RM)

Deadlift – 5×5 (Do all sets at the same weight. Start this first week at ~70% of your 1RM)

18min Time Cap


Shuttle Run (i.e. 5 Down and back while touching the floor at the turn arounds)

Wall Ball

Hang Power Clean



24min EMOM (4 Rounds of the circuit) – 40sec Work; 20 sec Rest

DB Lateral Raises

Pallof Hold (Do the full 40sec on one side then switch sides next round)

Hammer Curls

DB Single leg Calf Raises

Overhead Cable Tricep Extension

Incline Seal Row

8min AMRAP: 200/160m Row + 8 Burpees over the Rower

Rest 4min

8min AMRAP: 6 Shuttle Runs + 8 Barbell Thruster (75/55)


Back Squat – 5×5 (Do all sets at the same weight. Start this first week at ~70% of your 1RM)

Hang Power Snatch – 5×2 (All reps should be >=70% 1RM. Build if you want but all sets should be snappy. No misses!)

4 Rounds

1min Goblet Squat

1min KB Swing

1 min Lateral Box Step Up (unweighted)

1min Rest