Thank you to everyone that donated to the gym’s Thanksgiving food drive! It ended up being a big carload of food that we dropped off last Tues at the Kansas Food Bank.
We’ve just wrapped up two blocks of the 5/3/1 program and are moving on to a new strength program. This time, we’re focusing on a 5×5 structure for building strength, with a bit more emphasis on Olympic lifts compared to the previous 5/3/1 blocks.
During this program, our main goal will be to consistently increase our weights for the 5×5 lifts each week. During the first week, it’s recommended to start on the lighter side to find your footing. From there, you’ll gradually increase the weight each week to a level that challenges you.
I recommend starting with about 70% of your one-rep max for all sets — not just building up to it. This means your warm-up sets don’t count for the 5×5 work. Each subsequent week, challenge yourself to add more weight. If a lift doesn’t follow the 5×5 rep scheme, then check the guidance for that specific day to see how to approach it.
Let’s crush these next 6 weeks!
Front Squat – 5×5 (Do all sets at the same weight. Start this first week at ~70% of your 1RM)
Power Clean – 5×3 (All reps should be >=70% 1RM. Build if you want but all sets should be snappy. No misses for sure!)
15min AMRAP
5 Double DB Hang Clean
5 T2B
8 Pushups
8 DB Lunges
Push Jerk/Press – 5×5 (Do all sets at the same weight. Start this first week at ~70% of your 1RM)
Strict Pull-up – 5×5 (Weighted if able)
4 Rounds x 2min AMRAP w/ 2min Rest between rounds
2min AMRAP – 20/14 Cals Bike + ME Double Unders
2min AMRAP – 25/20 Cals Rower + ME Alt DB Snatch
2min AMRAP – 20/14 Cals Bike + ME Double Unders
2min AMRAP – 25/20 Cals Rower + ME Alt DB Snatch
*Rest 2mins between rounds
** Record total DUs and total DB Snatch
Bench – 5×5 (Do all sets at the same weight. Start this first week at ~70% of your 1RM)
Deadlift – 5×5 (Do all sets at the same weight. Start this first week at ~70% of your 1RM)
18min Time Cap
Shuttle Run (i.e. 5 Down and back while touching the floor at the turn arounds)
Wall Ball
Hang Power Clean
24min EMOM (4 Rounds of the circuit) – 40sec Work; 20 sec Rest
Pallof Hold (Do the full 40sec on one side then switch sides next round)
Overhead Cable Tricep Extension
8min AMRAP: 200/160m Row + 8 Burpees over the Rower
Rest 4min
8min AMRAP: 6 Shuttle Runs + 8 Barbell Thruster (75/55)
Back Squat – 5×5 (Do all sets at the same weight. Start this first week at ~70% of your 1RM)
Hang Power Snatch – 5×2 (All reps should be >=70% 1RM. Build if you want but all sets should be snappy. No misses!)
4 Rounds
1min Goblet Squat
1min KB Swing
1 min Lateral Box Step Up (unweighted)
1min Rest