

Every 4min x 4 Rounds

25/18 Bike Cals

Deadlift 5 @ 50%, 5 @ 65%, 5@ 75%, ME @ 85% (no more than 6 reps)

6 min AMRAP

5 Devil Press + 10 Single DB Box Step Up + 10 Slam Ball (add one rep each round)

Rest 3min

Repeat 6min AMRAP going backwards from where you finished. Can you get back to the start?


9min EMOM (alternate between machines every 3mins)

8/5 Cals Ski

8/5 Cals Bike

10/8 Cals Row

10min EMOM

2 Power Clean + 2 Front Squat + 2 Push Jerk

12min AMRAP

10 Wall Ball

15 Situps

30 Double Unders

Extra: Static DB hold (40-50# for women; 60-70# for men). Can you hold longer than last time? Can you make it 3mins?


Back Squat

5 @ 50%, 5 @ 65% 5 @ 75%, ME @ 85% (no more than 6 reps)

* Try to add 5-10 lbs more than what you did last month

Every 3min x 5 Rounds

10 Hang Power Clean

10 Front Rack Lunges

10 Lateral Burpees over Bar

10 Pullups


4 Sets Alternating
8 Bench Press
8 Barbell Rows
8 Tricep Push Downs

** Try and go heavier on the bench and rows compared to last month

5 Rounds

10 T2B

15/12 Cals Row

20 KB Swings

Take 9 mins to work towards a heavy 3RM snatch (not touch and go)

Rest 2mins

Take 9mins to work towards a heavy 2RM S2OH

3min AMRAP x 4 Rounds

15/10 Bike Cals

10 Alt DB Snatch

ME S2OH (95/65)

Rest 90sec