We are continuing with the olympic lift progression so be sure to write down the weights you use each day. Remember you can’t improve what you don’t measure. Also, the Turkey Trot is coming up on Saturday so if you’d like a good challenge then sign up and see how fast your 2-mile time is.
5×2 Power Snatch (inc) – should be heavier than last week then drop 10-20lbs and do 2×2
5×3 Back Squat – 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%
20min EMOM
Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Clean + Front Squat (115/75 should be a reasonable weight for most. Feel free to adjust slightly up or down. Or start lighter and add weight after 10mins)
4 T2B (if 4 T2B is pretty easy after 10min then up it to 6)
Both movements are done in the same minute. This gets a bit grippy so plan accordingly
EMOM for 16min (alt) 30sec On, 30sec Off:
Sled Push/Pull – Push Sled down; then pull it back to where you started
A-Squats – using stacked weight plates is probably better than a box
L-Sit – Can you actually complete 30sec?
Rope Climb
Every minute do the following:
8 Heavy Goblet Squat
ME Sit-ups
until you reach 150 sit-ups
**Note: If you are doing more than 1 sit-up every 2sec then you’re probably shortchanging the range of motion
Clean & Jerk – 5×2 (inc); Push Jerk the 1st rep; split jerk the 2nd rep then drop 10-20 lbs and do 2×2
Bench Press – Build to heavy set of 5 drop 10% and complete 1 set to failure
4 Rounds
7 Pull-up + 7 DB Thruster + 14 DB Lunge (7 each leg) [use 2DB for thruster and lunges)]
rest 3min
4 Rounds
15 Cals Row/Bike + 15 Wall Ball (alternate between row and bike each round)
**Write down your time for each section
4x4min Rounds – Complete as many reps as you can at each 4min station before moving to the next one. Rest as needed. Can you get to 75 reps at any of the stations?
ME DB Bench
ME Chin-up
ME Dips
ME DB Bicep Curls
Alternating EMOM until you reach 150 KBS
Min1: 5 Pullup + 10 Push-up + 20 Double Under
Min2: ME KB Swing
**Scale can be to adjust KB weight or reduce from 150KBS to 120KBS
Clean Deadlift – 4×2 @ 10-20lbs heavier than every set done on Wed
Front Squat 5×3 – 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%
Every 2min until you reach 75 burpees
Run 200m
ME burpees