
Last week I discussed using the Velocity Diet as a short-term, aggressive approach to fat loss. It typically involves consuming a primarily liquid-based diet consisting of protein shakes, along with one solid meal a week. While the Velocity Diet has shown promising results, it’s not suitable for most people due to its extreme nature. A modified version can be tailored to better fit individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle. I thought I’d share a couple of the ways others in the gym have talked about modifying the velocity diet:

  • Incorporating all protein shakes except one solid healthy meal a day. Think more like chicken and broccoli – not Five Guys. This should keep the cravings down substantially.
  • Protein Shakes and Fruit – This is a hybrid of the meat and fruit diet but using the protein shakes as the “meat” portion of that diet. The additional carbs from the fruit should provide more energy for workouts than you would get from the traditional velocity diet.

These modifications won’t make the Velocity Diet easy by any means. However, both of these sound like better options for most people and I suspect will still produce noticeable results. Again, let me know if you take on any version of the Velocity Diet. I’d be interested to know your results, cravings and energy levels.


Back squat – 3×5 @ 65%

Bulgarian split squat – 3×10 (5 each leg)

2 rounds

10 OHS

5 shuttle runs

10 hspu

10 front squat (same weight as OHS)


Bench press – 10×1 @ 90 %

Between each set do 5 ring rows

3 rounds x 2:30min AMRAP

250m row

10 s2oh

ME burpees

Rest 2:30 between rounds


Squat clean + split jerk – 6×2 @ 70%

Deadlift – 6×2@ 80%

15 min EMOM

10 t2b + 5 heavy Russian swings

20 air squats

10 pushups + 10 walking lunge


Front squat – 10×1 @ 90%

Strict press – 5×2 @ 80%

5 rounds

10 calories

10 wall balls

10 Alt db snatch


Power snatch – 6×2 @ 75%

Partner WOD

Accumulate between the two. Must finish a movement before moving onto the next

100 pull-ups

100 hang db c&j

200 goblet squats

200 sit-ups

100 calorie row