0-12min Hang Snatch – work to heavy single
*12-22min 3×N Strict Chin-up and 3×N Bar/Ring Dips
*Pick a number of reps that makes sense for you. Final set should be challenging. Don’t take every set to failure
4 Rounds (15min Cap)
21 Burpees
15 Pull-up (c2b if able)
9 Back Squat (taken from the rack)
0-12min 6×1 @ 90% of Front Squat from last week (or 6 difficult reps)
12-22min 10/8/6 Strict Press (inc) + 3×100′ Sled Push (2x Down and back on the gym mats)
5 rounds for time:
10 deadlifts
Run 200m
20 push-ups or 10 HSPU
25min EMOM – 30sec work/rest, alternate:
DU/Ski Cals/Hollow Rock (or L-Hang)/Bike Cals/Side Plank
8 rounds for time:
3 TnG snatches (heavy as possible)
50 foot lunge
*rest 30 seconds between rounds.
0-12min 5-4-3-2-1 Push Jerk (can you do the same weight as the split jerks from last week?)
12-22 3×8 Deadlift (inc) + 3×10 Russian Twist w/ Slam Ball (L+R=1)
Partner Workout
Switch as needed, one works and one rests until you complete:
150 Wall Balls
30 BMU
30 C&J’s
0-12min Heavy Double Hang Squat Clean (or Power Clean + Front Squat if you struggle with Squat clean but work on piecing them together)
12-24min 3×6 DB Bench Press (heavier than last week) + 3×8 DB Curl (L+R=1)
For time: