We’re continuing with the cardio strength work this week. Hopefully everyone has used it as somewhat of a deload and isn’t too beat up coming into this week. If you are really sore, then you need to look at what caused it and learn to back off a bit. Scale the weights in the workout or substitute movements that leave you crushed. The workouts this week should be challenging but they aren’t designed to leave you too sore to workout the next day.
8min EMOM alternate
Run 100m
5 Thrusters (inc)
Rest 3min
8min EMOM alternate
Run 100m
3 Back Squats (inc)
16min EMOM alternate
12/9 cal bike
1 round of DT
Max Effort HSPU
Every 2min x 10 rounds
5 Shoulder to Overhead (inc) + Pulling Movement**
**Your choice: 5-10 Kipping Pullup, 3-5 MU, 1-2 Rope Climb, 3-6 Strict Pullup (weighted if able), etc. Pick something to challenge yourself or rotate between movements.
For Time:
500 m row
20 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Squat Snatch (light weight)
300 m row
15 Bar Facing Burpees
8 Squat Snatch (moderate weight)
150 m row
10 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Squat Snatch (heavy weight)
Every 2min x 10 rounds
8/6 Cals + 3 Power Cleans (inc)
Partition However You Want
160 Pushups
80 DB Front Squats
40 Bar Muscle Ups*
*Scale to 40 pullups/c2b/strict + 40 dips (ring/bar/bench).
12min EMOM alternate
4/3/2/1 Hang Power Snatch (weight increases every 3 rounds and the reps go down. So 4,4,4 then 3,3,3 heavier then 2,2,2 heavier then 1,1,1 heavier still)
10 T2B
15 Slam Balls
75′ Walking Lunge
3 Rounds (24 min Total)
(0-2min) 50 Double Under
(2-4min) 10 Deadlift (inc)
(4-6min) 15-20 weighted situps (DB/SB/WB on chest)
(6-8min) 10 Bench Press (inc)
Open 20.1
10 rounds (15min Time Cap)
8 ground-to-overheads
10 bar-facing burpees