
Switching up the strength training this month as everything is going to be on a clock. This should keep everyone moving during the class time, but also provide a break from several months of high percentage lifting. Hopefully the change will help with a bit of recovery and extra motivation before starting some heavier lifting again.


3 Rounds (18min total)

(0-2min) 6 Front/Back Rack Lunges each leg (inc)

(2-4min) 15/10 cals Ski or Bike

(4-6min) 10 Weighted Hanging Knee Raises (hold DB between your feet)

3 rds
15 cal row
15 Burpees over Rower
15 Dbl. KB/DB Snatches


18min EMOM – Alternate

8/6 Cals Bike

3/2/1 Snatch (weight increases every 3 rounds and the reps go down. So 3,3,3 then 2,2,2 heavier then 1,1,1 heavier still)

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Pullups (strict if able)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 HSPU (strict if able)


Every 4min for 3 Rounds

Row 500m

10/8/6 Bench Press (inc weight and dec reps each round)

4 x 3min AMRAP
50 ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (2 DBs)
8 Devil’s Press
Max Effort DB Deadlifts


3 Rounds (24 min Total)

(0-2min) Run 100m

(2-4min) 5 Front Squats (inc)

(4-6min) 15-20 weighted situps (DB/SB/WB on chest)

(6-8min) 5 Deadlifts (inc)

EMOM 16 alternate

3 Shuttle Runs (50′ = 1 Shuttle Run)

10 Box Jump Overs

12 Wallballs


12min EMOM alternate

4/3/2/1 Hang Power Clean & Jerk (weight increases every 3 rounds and the reps go down. So 4,4,4 then 3,3,3 heavier then 2,2,2 heavier then 1,1,1 heavier still)

Open 20.2
20min AMRAP
4 DB Thrusters (50/35)
6 Toes to Bar
24 DU