

Work to a heavy deadlift or snatch

then do 3X10 of bench press @ 50%.  Max reps on last set.

500 m row
60 wb
40 t2b
20 burpee
500 m row


Work to a heavy strict press
then do 3×10 of pull-ups (use a band if needed but make challenging)

Every 3 min x 7rds
12 db snatch
6 lateral burpees over db
12 goblet squat
6 lateral burpees over db


Work to a heavy front squat or C&J
then do 3×10 deadlift or snatch @ 50%. Max reps on last set.

5 rds of Cindy
3 down & backs
4 rds Cindy
3 down & backs
3 rds Cindy
3 down & backs
2 rds Cindy
3 down & backs
1 rd Cindy
Wear vest if able


Work to a heavy bench press
then do 3×10 strict press @ 50%. Max reps on last set.

20 snatch
1 K row
20 cleans


Work to a max weighted pull-up (do 5X5 if you need a band or non-weighted)
then do 3×10 front squat or C&J @ 50%. Max reps on last set.

Emom x 12 min
3 bear complex + 20 du
*work completed in same minute