
This week you will be working to a heavy on all your lifts.  Sample progression would be 10,8,6,4,2,1,1,1 or 5,4,3,2,1,1,1.  Either way, challenge yourself and if you’re feeling good go for a max.


Work to a heavy deadlift or snatch

then do 3X10 of bench press @ 50%.  Max reps on last set.


20 box jumps

400m row

Rest 1:00

20 box jump overs

400m row

Rest 1:00

20 burpee box jumps

400m row

Rest 1:00

20 burpee box jump overs

400m row


Work to a heavy strict press

then do 3×10 of pull-ups (use a band if needed but make challenging)


20 Power Snatch

24 Pistols

15 Power Snatch

24 Pistols

10 Power Snatch

24 Pistols

5 Power Snatch

24 Pistols


Work to a heavy front squat or C&J

then do 3×10 deadlift or snatch @ 50%.  Max reps on last set.


6min EMOM

14 hspu, 5 bmu or 10 pullups&dips

25 min EMOM

8/6 cal bike

12 alt db snatch

20 goblet squats

15 burpees



Work to a heavy bench press

then do 3×10 strict press @ 50%.  Max reps on last set.

15 min AMRAP

20 box step overs

10 db c&j

50 walking lunge w/db

4 devils press


Work to a max weighted pull-up (do 5X5 if you need a band or non-weighted)

then do 3×10 front squat or C&J @ 50%.  Max reps on last set.


One Partner rows/one works. Must complete movement to move onto next

100 t2b

100 kb swings

100 OHS

100 situps

300 Double unders