
Monday is the final day for Squatober so we’ll be finishing with a max. This is the time to go all out and see how the work you’ve put in pays off!

For the upcoming strength cycle we are going to rotate weeks between those where we work to a heavy and then other lighter training weeks. We’re going to start this week with establishing a max on the five lifts you will focus on. They will be 1) Deadlift/Snatch – pick one, 2) Strict Press 3) Front Squat/C&J- pick one, 4) Bench Press, 5) Pull-ups (yup, everyone will do at least one strict pull-up by the end of this). After working on the big lift of the day you will do a few light training sets of another lift if time allows.

Monday – Reminder there is only a 430 class tonight

Squatober MAX!


Work to a heavy front squat or C&J

then do 3×10 deadlift or snatch

4 rounds

40 double unders
20 kb swings
10 pullups
Accessory (if time allows)
3×15 bicep curls
3×15 tricep ext.


Work to a heavy strict press (also work to heavy FS or C&J if you didn’t get to do that on Monday)

then do 3×10 of pull-ups (use a band if needed but make challenging)

20 min AMRAP
15 wall balls
20 cal bike
15 box jumps
20 cal bike
15 burpees


Work to a heavy deadlift or snatch

then do 3X10 of bench press 

6 min EMOM (alternate)

10 hspu

3 ring/bar muscle up or 6 pullups&6 dips

8 rounds

1:00 AMRAP

Rest 1:00 between AMRAPS

8/5 cal row

Max effort T2B/situps (alternate between T2B and situps each round)


Work to a heavy bench press

then do 3×10 strict press

Every 3:00 for 18:00

6 shuttle runs (Down and Back = 1 shuttle run; cross the line with both feet AND touch behind the line w/ you hand every time)

12 db snatch

24 Air squats


Work to a max weighted pull-up (do 5X5 if you need a band or non-weighted)

then do 3×10 front squat or C&J

Partner WOD

One bikes while one works. Switch whenever but you must complete each movement as a team before moving onto the next movement:

100 v-ups

100 lunges with 1 db

100 single arm db press

100 pushups

100 pullups

** Two scores – time to complete and total cals