

Squatober Day 24 (@penandpaperstrengthapp on IG)

Tempo Back Squat – 1+5 60%, 1+4 65%, 1+3 70%, 1+3 73% – 1st rep done with 5 sec negative then the remaining reps done AFAP (19 total reps)


Hang Power Clean & Jerk

3×6 – Increase each set

2×4 – Final two sets are heavy

4 Rounds: 15 Situps + 30 Double Under

200m Farmer Carry w/ 1 KB (or 12 down and back)

3 Rounds: 10 T2B + 15 Wall Ball

200m Farmer Carry w/ 1KB

2 Rounds: 15 Weighted Situps + 30DU

200m Farmer Carry w/ 1KB

1 Round: 10 T2B + 15 Wall Ball (higher target 11’/10′)


Squatober Day 25 (@penandpaperstrengthapp on IG)

Tempo Back Squat – 1+4 62%, 1+3 68%, 1+2 73%, 1+2 75% – 1st rep done with 5 sec negative then the remaining reps done AFAP (15 total reps)


Front Squat

5-4-3-2-1 – Working to heavy/max single

3 Rounds of 3min AMRAP

250/185m Row

20 DB Snatch

ME Burpees onto 45# plate in remaining time

Rest 90sec between rounds


Squatober Day 26 (@penandpaperstrengthapp on IG)


Power Snatch + Hang Snatch + Squat Snatch

5x(1+1+1), 4x(1+1+1), 3x(1+1+1), 2x(1+1+1), 1x(1+1+1) – work to heavy complex

7 Rounds

7 KB Push Press (done w/ one arm but do 7L & 7R each round)

7 Pullup (c2b if able)

7 Goblet Squats

7 Bike Cals


Squatober Day 27 (@penandpaperstrengthapp on IG)


Deadlift 3,3,2,2,1 – increasing weight each set

Pick a skill (HSPU,T2B, MU, etc) and practice 60-90sec between sets

7min AMRAP

1 x 25ft Lunge

1 Man Maker

**Add one rep every round

Rest 5min

7min AMRAP

1 Overhead Squat

1 Bar-facing Burpee

**Add one rep every round


Squatober Day 28 (@penandpaperstrengthapp on IG)


15-12-9-15 (Add weight each round until last set of 15 which is back at starting weight

Squat (front or back)

DB Shoulder Press

20 Cal Ski Erg at the end of each round

400m Run

40 Russian Swings

30 Box Step Up (no weight)

20 Pushups

10 Wall Walk

20 Pushups

30 Box Step Up

40 Russian Swings

400m Run