

Squatober Day 14 (@penandpaperstrengthapp on IG)

Back Squat – Perform as many sets of triples @ 80% as you can in 10min

Note: If you get 10-14 rounds then up your training max by 3%. If you get 15+ rounds then up your max by 5%


Squat Snatch
Work to a tough Single then 5×1

30sec Work / 30sec Rest at each station

Complete 3 Rounds at each station before switching

Row/Push Press/Russian Swing/Double Unders/Situps

Score is total reps at each station


Squatober Day 17 (@penandpaperstrengthapp on IG)

Back Squat 4 reps at 65%, 70%, 75%, 75%


3×10 (60% of a quality Max)
In between sets pick a skill spend 60-90 Seconds Working
HSPU/Pull Ups/MU/Dips

0-2min: Run 200m + 10 Snatch (no heavier than 75/55)

2-4min: Run 200m + 10 Pullup (C2B or MU if able)

4-6min: Run 200m + 10 Wall Ball

8-12min: Run 400m + 20 Snatch

12-16min: Run 400m + 20 Pullup (C2B or MU if able)

16-20min: Run 400m + 20 Wall Ball


Squatober Day 18 (@penandpaperstrengthapp on IG)

Back Squat 21 reps @ 83% using one of the following rep formats





Clean and Jerk
Work to a tough Single then 5×1

12 Rounds

2 Double DB Hang Power Clean

3 DB Thruster

4 DB Box Step Up

5 Lateral Burpees over the DBs


Squatober Day 19 (@penandpaperstrengthapp on IG)


Bulgarian Split Squat (Superset- Complete the Right Side Rest 1 Minute Complete the Left= 1 Set)
10 with 2 DB
10 with 1 DB
10 BW
Bench Press 3×10 @60-70%

Try and go heavier than last week

50 Bike Cals

75 T2B

100 Push-ups

**Break Up the reps however you like


Squatober Day 20 (@penandpaperstrengthapp on IG)


Back Squat
3 Building sets of 6-9 Reps
1 Tough set x 6 (Could do 9 but it is challenging)
Superset 3 sets
3 Back Squats (With the weight from your tough set)
6 High Box Jumps

7min AMRAP: 3 Devil Press + 30 Double Unders

Rest 5min

7min AMRAP

1000m Row then max rounds of:

2 Wall Walk + 20 Air Squat