Monday- Closed for Labor Day!
Back Squat
3×10 @ 70%
6 min emom (alt)
3 muscle ups/10 pull-ups
10 dips
3 rounds
50 double unders
10 t2b
10 hang power snatch
Rest 3:00
3 rounds
50 double unders
10 hspu
10 p jerk
Clean Pull + Clean + FS + Jerk
Work to a heavy for the day
Every 3:00 for 15:00
10 pull-ups
10 air squats
10 db hang power cleans
10 thrusters
Split Jerk
10×1 @ 80-85% (Perfect Reps)
20 min amrap
20 alt db snatch
20 wall balls
20 empty barbell push press
20 lunges
Snatch Pull + Snatch + OHS
Work to a heavy for the day
Partner WOD
100 calories
50 c2b
75 calories
50 burpees
50 calories
50 goblet squats