
Snatch 4 x 2 not touch and go @ 80-85%
Back squat 4×5 @ 80%

Every 90 sec for 21 min
6 pull up/c2b/3 BMu
3 deadlift
Run 100m

10 minutes to find a heavy
Power clean + hang power clean + hang squat clean + shoulder to overhead
*5-10 ring dips between sets of complex

100 du
40 wall ball
20 toes to bar
Row 500 meters
20 toes to bar
40 wall ball
100 du

FS 6 x 3
building to heavy triple

12 min amrap
8 hang snatch
8 Box jumps
8 Hspu
Run 200

Push press 6 x 3
10 min to practice skill of your choice

Min 1: 12 burpees
Min 2: 1 cj
Min 3: 12 burpees
Min 4: 2 cj
Min 5: 12 burpees
Min 6: 3 cj
Increasing 1 CJ until unable to complete work in minute

Bench 4 sets of 8 reps

6 min amrap
16 Swings
12 lunge w/ kb
40 du
Rest 3 min
Take score from amrap and do for time